Artisians and Ancient Craft of India


The soul of block printing lies in the art of making wooden blocks created for the purpose.

Did you know a separate block is required for each distinct colour in the design ? Yes, you read that right !

Once the design has been approved by the carver, he prepares the block by hand sanding and then coating the surface with a white paste so that the surface is uniform and smooth for carving.  He then traces out the design, one colour of the design at a time and then taps it onto the surface of the block so the details are clearly visible for carving. The empty space from the woodblock is tapped out so that the design remains along the printing surface.

This whole process requires skill, experience and patience ! It is one of the most valued art of textile printing across the globe


The art of wooden block printing is done by eye, and telltale signs of the human hand, even imperfections, are part of the ineffable humanity and beauty of the craft.

The reason why it is called the oldest printmaking method is due to the evidence of its existence in as early as the 15th Century BC. It has been done around the world with its roots in India, China, and Japan